Sunday, June 20, 2010

The most challenging adventure yet....

I am sad to say that many adventures have passed by without any blogs to tell of them. But there are still many more to be had. This year has been a hard one. The age of nine and a half to ten was the age my daughter started making her transition from a little girl into a young lady. I know the more popular term would be teenager. So call it whatever you want but it is the precious and difficult time between girlhood and womanhood. She's there. Already. :( . I know I shouldn't be sad. But I am. I am starting to accept it so that her and I can keep our sanity. Because if I keep trying to push the pause button any longer I think I will do some real damage to our relationship and maybe even to her maturing process. I just didn't expect it yet. I thought I had at least two maybe even three years with her as a little girl before she started getting all well you know teenagery. There are a billion trillion things I would do different. Which makes it all the more hard to accept the end of that chapter of her life and move on to the next. Its like wait there was so much I didn't get Right yet. there is so much i didn't cover. there is so much more time i want to actually just enjoy with her. But like it or not that's it. The next chapter is here. And I guess that is the biggest adventure right now. I just need to close that last chapter regret and all and not look back. I need to embrace this new chapter for all it is, good and challenging. I realize that once I accept this then all the new good parts about this new chapter will be really fun. I will quit handicapping her maturity by trying to press pause. And I will help my girl through this challenging stage in her life. I wouldn't want to relive mine for anything. haha...Our adventures will continue...What will we do next?